Patient and Public Involvement in Research at RCSI
RCSI’s PPI Ignite Office is part of the HRB PPI Ignite Network. The Network is based at seven Universities in Ireland, with a National Programme Office at NUI Galway. There are ten national partners and fifty three local partners.
The PPI Ignite Network promotes excellence and inspires innovation in public and patient involvement (PPI) in health and social care research in Ireland. The Network aims to provide a shared voice for PPI across Ireland, aiming to change the research culture, an important contributor to improving health outcomes for the public.
The PPI Ignite Lead at RCSI is Dr Michelle Flood, School of Pharmacy and Biomolecular Sciences. The PPI Ignite Office offer support, education, and training to RCSI researchers and PPI contributors, as well as leading/contributing to Network initiatives. The PPI Ignite Office is supported by the PPI in Research Committee.
Please email ppi@rcsi.ie with any queries you have.